Animation is added to the Quick Settings toggles in Android 13 QPR1.

The most apparent improvement in the brand-new Android 13 QPR1 Beta 1 update is the addition of animation to frequent Quick Settings toggles.

Given the attention to detail in Android 13, it’s a nice addition that’s almost overdue that several of the toggles in the Quick Settings now have their own animations when activated. For instance, the dual arrows will flip to show that you have enabled the feature when you hit the Auto-rotate toggle.

The most charming mode option is the Battery Saver one, which has little moving indicators to indicate that less power is being used when it is on. Most of the animations are straightforward, such the small airplane icon fading out of view, however when disabled, they lack the previous OnePlus landing animation. A line will be drawn through the tiny icon when the Location, Camera, or Mic access toggles are selected to show that access has been reversed. The no access or no entry glyph will spin 180 degrees when the Do Not Disturb option is tapped.

Not all of them have their own animations, such as the flashlight or torch, which still just turns on and off. The toggle for the One-handed mode of the Quick Settings is similar in that it lacks motion. Below is an example of how this works:

It’s also important to note that when you deactivate or disable specific device functionalities from your Quick Settings panel, there is no animation. Toggles from third parties won’t have any animation, and this applies to toggles with additional menus or panels. Examples of this include QR code scanners, Wi-Fi, Screen record, Screen Cast, Home, Nearby Share, Wallet, Calculator, and Live Transcribe.

In order to show you when Focus Mode is active, Google has also introduced a persistent floating pane to the bottom of your display. You may access the Take a break and Turn off now choices when you change the app-blocking mode from the Quick Settings panel. The complete notification will slide in from the bottom of your screen. Given that it is a Digital Wellbeing feature for preventing app access, this toggle is the only one of its kind in QPR1 Beta 1 but it is consistent with the new Quick Settings animations.

This is a good quality-of-life improvement that might not make much of a difference but is nonetheless nice given the enhanced easing and general attention to animations inside Android 12 and Android 13. It should come as no surprise that Google would aim to make Pixel phones have the same fluid animations and interactions as Apple is often praised , given their shared reputation for excellence.

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