Google deletes visits to abortion facilities from its location history

From user location history, Google verified that the facilities are removing abortion clinics and other ones. This occurs following the Roe v. Wade law’s repeal.

In the US, there is a debate over abortion rights. In addition to the demonstrations against the Supreme Court’s decision, several privacy experts are concerned about the information that law police and bounty hunters might use to target women seeking abortions.

Google stated in an blog post that it works to delete the location from users’ location histories as quickly as possible following their visit.

Advertisement The business didn’t specify how it intended to find those locations or how long the process would take, though. Other medical facilities, fertility clinics, and weight reduction centers will also be hit by Google’s withdrawal.

According to the organization, some of the places people go to, such counseling centers, domestic abuse shelters, abortion clinics, fertility clinics, addiction treatment centers, weight loss clinics, and cosmetic surgery clinics, can be very personal.

Google carries on, We’re announcing today that we will quickly remove certain records from Location History if our systems detect that someone has visited one of these locations.

Advertisement GOOGLE PRIORITIZES HEALTH CENTERS AND ABORTION CLINICS According to the company’s release, a new update for Fitbit devices would allow customers to instantly delete their menstruation monitoring data. Apps for tracking periods should include enhanced privacy and security protections to shield user information from law enforcement inquiries.

The requests from law authorities to get the information from individuals seeking abortions may put Google’s privacy policies under scrutiny. However, the business affirms that it would stick to its current practices and will inform users when their data is needed. It also notes the transparency reports it produces to keep track of these demands.

Google appears to be unwilling to share user information with law enforcement agencies. Google stated that it would keep fighting against requests that are excessively general or otherwise illegal. Additionally, it has a lengthy history of resisting requests that are too broad.

Advertisement Users and privacy experts were concerned about how the Big Tech corporations would use the data they had at their disposal. After the Supreme Court decision, the majority of the tech industry kept mute. Google recently informed its staff of their right to move to a state that permits abortions.

Google also needs to respond to the question of whether abortion-related search terms might be deleted from users’ search histories or YouTube accounts. Law enforcement agencies can utilize this information to identify abortion seekers because it is typically shared with third-party advertisements.


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