3x your audio now has playback speed settings thanks to Pixel’s Recorder website.

The Recorder app was last updated by Google in March with Material You changes, a Quick Settings tile, and an odd landscape user interface that looks fantastic on tablets. Recently, the ability to set playback speed was added to the Recorder website, which allows you to play sounds from your Pixel.

Recorder.google.com was released in March 2021 as part of the Android app’s addition of cloud backups. It greatly facilitated access, particularly to transcripts and large-screen searches.

You may now change the playback speed using the bottom audio controls in addition to play/pause, 5-second rewind, and 10-second jump. A tap gives you the option to select between 0.5x, 1.0x, 1.5x, 2.0x, and 3.0x after noting your current preference. Even YouTube does not provide the latter speed, but Google Podcasts does.

The slower option will be helpful for manually examining and correcting problems in the automated transcript in addition to speeding through what you recorded.

Pixel Recorder playback speed
Pixel Recorder playback speed

After the March update to Recorder on Pixel phones, the websites’ playback speed options were introduced, and they would also be helpful on the Android app.

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